The chakras and stones 

Many people believe that stones have the ability to hold large amounts of therapeutic energy and power because it takes millions of years for crystals and other stones to form underground. 

Crystals have been used for thousands of years, with ancient people using them for magical and spiritual powers. Although there is no evidence to show that crystal healing works and is not a form of medicine, more and more people are open to trying the possible benefits that crystals bring.

Crystals are believed to hold vibrational energy, transmit this energy to you, and balance your emotional, physical, and spiritual energies. Chakras are considered to be your most important energy centres, and crystals can truly assist you in restoring your spiritual energies within these vortexes of energy. Each chakra can be balanced and healed by chakra stones and crystals.

What is a chakra? 

Chakra is an ancient meditation practise and originates from an old Sanskrit word, translating to ‘wheel’. Chakra represents the 7 chakras around your body, with 7 different centres of energy. Each chakra is connected to one area of the body and an emotional state. It is believed that by balancing these energies, your emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing will benefit. 

Let’s discover the seven chakras around the body.

The root chakra provides the foundation of your being and keeps you grounded and confident.

Location: base of the spine and tailbone 

Colour: Red 

Crystal examples: red agate, garnet, ruby, strawberry quartz, and rhodochrosite 


The sacral chakra helps find a connection with others and brings happiness, pleasure, and creativity.

Location: Lower abdomen 

Colour: Orange 

Crystal examples: the Tiger’s Eye and the Solar Plexus Chakras help us be confident and in control of our actions.

Location: Upper abdomen 

Colour: Yellow 

Crystal examples: citrine, amber, yellow jasper 


Heart Chakra: Help us open our hearts to love, compassion, and joy.

Location: centre of the chest, just above the heart 

Colour: green or pink 

Crystal examples: green: aventurine, jade, prenite, and malachite; pink: rose quartz 


The throat chakra helps us communicate and express ourselves.

Location: Throat 

Colour: blue or light blue 

Crystal examples: blue lapis lazuli, sapphire, light blue aquamarine, and blue lace agate.


Third Eye Chakra 

Allows us to be more aware of the world and focus on the bigger picture.

Location: forehead between the eyes 

Colour: violet or blue 

Crystal examples: violet, amethyst; blue, lapis lazuli; sapphire 


Crown Chakra 

The highest chakra represents our spirituality and our visions and helps us reach a higher state of consciousness.

Location: top of the head Colour: violet or white 

Crystal examples: violet (amethyst); white (quartz).

Tips on Using the Chakra Stones 

Choose your favourite crystals linked to the chakras and use them to re-tune your chakras and balance your energies.

There are several ways to use the stones in everyday life; here are some examples:

  1. Wear the stones as jewellery.

  2. Meditate with the stones.

  3. Keep a stone in your pocket or on your person.

If you would like to customise your own chakra jewellery, chat with us.


Jewels of Hope


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